Ahhh, the basement…

After 8 years, the basement is framed, at least the front 2/3, except for the soffet/chase around the ductwork/sewer drain up on the ceiling.  I will put one more wall in the back 1/3 to separate mechanical from storage, but that will come later.   Have started putting in the electrical boxes where I know they need to go.  Just have to decide on 3-ways, 4-ways, can lights, ceiling fans, and whether to make a kitchenette or not.  If so, will need to decide the layout.  The biggest single item expense I have left, other than possible appliances, I believe is the grinder pump.  Most everything else is nickel and dime, relatively speaking.

After all these years, the basement needs a good spring cleaning to get rid of things we really don’t need to save, and I will decimate my computer just.  Yes, 9/10 of it, volume wise, is headed to the trash, after some time spent sorting.  The storage area need to be for storage of needed things, not junk.

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